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Sample Ballot for November 2nd Election

The Bolton News

On Tuesday, November 2nd, voters in Hinds County will go to the polls to elect a new Sheriff to serve the time remaining in the term of Sheriff Lee Vance, who passed away in August.

A Sample Ballot for the "Bolton" precinct of Hinds County, is below. It was obtained from

Absentee voting is going on now. Absentee balloting begins 45 days prior to an election and ends at noon on the Saturday preceding the election. The Hinds County Circuit Clerk’s offices in Raymond and Jackson will be open for in-person absentee voting during their normal office hours on weekdays (Mon.-Friday) and from 8 a.m. until noon on two Saturdays prior to the election: October 23 and October 30, 2021.

To find out if you qualify for absentee voting or to request that an absentee ballot be sent to you by mail, contact the Hinds County Circuit Clerk's office: 601.968.6628.

If you will vote in person on November 2nd, polling places will be open from 7 am to 7 pm. Be sure to bring your photo ID. Voters with an address located in the "Bolton" precinct of Hinds County will vote at the Volunteer Fire Station at 117 W. Madison Street in Bolton. Voters with an address in the "Brownsville" precinct of Hinds County will vote at the Volunteer Fire Station at 8057 Bolton Brownsville Road.

Find your polling place using the Polling Place Locator tool on the Mississippi Secretary of State website:



The Bolton News  105 E. Main Street   Clinton MS 39056   601.594.2250

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