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Mayor and Aldermen Bolton MS

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen for Bolton MS meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, 6 p.m.* at Bolton Town Hall, 202 Bolton Raymond Road.  The public is invited to attend.  Bolton's Mayor and Aldermen are:

Lawrence Butler, Mayor

Alberta Gibbs, Alderwoman-at-Large

Brady Holder, Alderman Ward 1

Helen Harris, Alderwoman Ward 2

Shirley Mason, Alderwoman Ward 3

Vera Powell, Alderwoman Ward 4


Telephone:  601-866-2221


*Beginning with the second meeting in August 2021, meetings will be held at 6 p.m. (instead of 7 p.m.)

Click here to view a WARD MAP

Mayor Lawrence Butler Headshot
Lawrence Butler, Mayor of Bolton
Image Coming Soon
Brady Holder Ward 1.jpg
Brady Holder, Ward 1
Shirley mason Headshot
Shirley Mason, Ward 3
Alberta Gibbs
Alberta Gibbs, Alderwoman-at-Large
Helen Harris Headshot
Helen Harris, Ward 2
Vera Powell Headshot
Vera Powell, Ward 4
Services handled at Bolton Town Hall include:


Water payments

Water service turned on and off; transfer of service

Privilege Licenses

Building Permits

Jimmie R. Lewis, Sr. Park Plaza reservations

Click here to view a WARD MAP

On September 24, 2021, a special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Adermen for the Town of Bolton was held at Town Hall. The purpose of the meeting was for the Board to approve the Town's budget for the fiscal year of 2020-2021. The budget was approved.  The budget document is six pages.   Click on this image to access a PDF copy of the entire document:

Bolton MS town Budget

The Bolton News  105 E. Main Street   Clinton MS 39056   601.594.2250

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